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John V.. Berg #257
Greater Greensboro #260
Onslow County #262
Charlotte #750
Blue Ridge #848
PFC Charles D. Hare #914
Shawn Knisley #983
Sand Hills Area #1001
Paul Ray Purgason #1005
Cherokee County #1011
Stanley County #1021
Cherry Point #1067
Cape Fear #1070
Percy John Fulton #1075
General A. Hal Turnage #1096
Iredell County #1097
Raymond G. Davis #1162
Catawba County #1163
NC Foothills #1164
Cpl. Johnny A. Williamson #1165
Carbarrus #1175
Sgt WE Plueddemann #1186
Williams/Canter #1187
PFC Terry C. Smith #1193
Table Rock #1197
LCpl Alan D. Lam #1207
Cpl. Chris S. Ebert #1221
Sanford #1223
PFC Jerry L. McKinney #1232
Carry-On #1236
PFC Bruce Larson #1242
Richmond Leathernecks #1252
Air, Land, NC #1257
Cpl. Suzy Sannes #1262
Outer Banks #1264
Mt. Mitchell #1266
Gold Leaf #1276
Walter Frank Osborne, Jr. #1298
Mountaineer #1320
Hampstead #1321
Surry County #1322
Crossed Rifles #1346
Waynesborough #1350
High Country #1389
Swansboro #1407
Oriental Dragon #1413
Asheville #1417
RDU #1482
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